New-Tech™ New Slot Exhausters Pictures
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- Slot Exhaust Picture SE-21 (9-110)
- Front View of a Custom Slot Exhauster Assembly.
- This Custom Slot Exhauster Assembly includes a Type #316 Stainless Steel Slot Exhauster, a PVC Countertop and two (2) Metal Base Cabinets.
- This Custom Slot Exhauster Assembly was designed so that the user can store the powder that they were measuring and mixing inside of the right hand base cabinet. The countertop has a hinged access door to the right hand base cabinet. The user can open the hinged access door, reach into the powder container, scoop out the powder and bring it up to a scale on the left hand side of the countertop.
- This Slot Exhauster includes a Magnehelic gauge that is a visual indication of exhaust airflow.