New-Tech™ Downloadable Literature
& Tools |
New-Tech™ Automatic Sash Positioning System (ASPS™) |
New-Tech ASPS Bifold.pdf
(296 KB) - The ASPS™ two most popular Sequence of Operations as well as component descriptions.
ASPS Energy Savings.pdf
(176 KB)- The Automatic Sash Positioning System Provides Energy and Capital Savings.
What is the benefit of laboratory fume hood Variable Air Volume systems when the fume
hood sashes are not closed?
ASPS Try It Offer.pdf
(31 KB) - New-Tech™ would like to offer a Trial Offer of the
ASPS™ for anywhere in North America. We would like you to
try the ASPS™ for up to six months with no material cost.
ASPS Cost Savings Solution.pdf
(108 KB) - Addressing the impact to codes and standards, liability, energy and work procedures
when laboratory fume hoods are left open and why the ASPS™ is for you.
ASPS Repeat Customer.pdf
(92 KB) - The Repeat Customer Discount program will provide large quantity purchase material
pricing to several small quantity purchases as they occur. The material price of the ASPS™
is discounted as the quantity of units increase.
New-Tech ASPS Clients.pdf
(96 KB) - New-Tech™ list of clients using the Automatic Sash Positioning System.
New-Tech ASPS Details.pdf
(112 KB) - New-Tech™ details drawing of the Automatic Sash
Positioning System.
(135 KB) - The Automatic Sash Positioning System (Stops Sash with Automatic or Push button) "CSI" formatted specification in
Microsoft Word® , including component, sequence of operations, installation
and commissioning information.
(18 KB) - The Automatic Sash Positioning System (Stops Sash with Automatic or Push button Open) "CSI" formatted specification in
Adobe, including component, sequence of operations,
installation and commissioning information.
(135 KB) - The Automatic Sash Positioning System (Stops Sash with Manual Open) "CSI" formatted specification in
Microsoft Word® , including component, sequence of operations, installation
and commissioning information.
(18 KB) - The Automatic Sash Positioning System (Stops Sash with Manual Open) "CSI" formatted specification in
Adobe, including component, sequence of operations,
installation and commissioning information.
New-Tech Binomial.xls
(340 KB) - Fume hood usage can be calculated using mathematical probability equations similar to
the "Hunter's Curves" used for plumbing fixtures.
ASPS Air Consumption for Cylinders.xls
(20 KB) - Calculate your Air Consumption for Cylinders by inserting your numbers into this Excel worksheet.
(4,426 KB) - Pacific Gas and Electric Company - Emerging Technologies Program
Application Assessment Report 0607 - Automatic Fume Hood Sash Closure
"While the energy savings and cost effectiveness is attractive in retrofit, there could be even greater
advantages in new construction. If the automatic fume hood sash closure system is deployed in new construction,
and the design team assumes a small fraction of the hoods are simultaneously open, the reduced infrastructure size
and cost (fans, ducts, boilers, chillers, etc.) can offset the increased hood control cost."
ETCC Report 404.pdf
(8,952 KB) - An Energy Assessment of Fume Hoods with and without Automated Sash Positioning Control
Systems at Amgen, Inc.
"When the installation costs of approximately $27,000 for the six ASPCS units are divided by
the difference in utility costs ($15,106), a cost benefit ratio of 1.79 years is achieved."
"If Amgen installed ASPCS on every vertical sash hood (150 hoods), would result in potential savings of
2,571,750 kWh/year or approximately $377,650/year."
ASPS Final Report v10_peer reviewed.pdf
(2,437 KB) - Emerging Technology Analysis: Automatic Sash Positioning System
"On average the airflow was found to be reduced by 54% simply by automatically keeping the sash closed when not in active use."
New-Tech™ Down Draft Tables |
Standard Down Draft Table.pdf
(848 KB) - Used to exhaust heavier than air gases without the obstruction of a conventional fume
hood while using significantly less exhaust air. Captures particulate when created near the working
HEPA Filtered Down Draft Table.pdf
(312 KB) - New-Tech™ has teamed up with Certek Inc. and
New York Blower Company to provide the HEPA Filtered
Down Draft Table. The Certek SAFEMOD HEPA filter provides a 99.99% efficient capture of
particles as small as 0.3 microns.
New-Tech™ Slot Exhausters |
Standard Slot Exhauster.pdf
(64 KB) - Slot Exhauster: descriptions of use, photos, and how to combine a Slot Exhauster with a
Down Draft Table. On the second sheet are typical dimensional drawings and features of the Slot
New-Tech™ Fume Hoods |
Custom Fume Hoods.pdf
(588 KB) - Some of the unique New-Tech™ Custom Fume Hoods are shown to provide ideas
of what has been built. On the back of the sheet are examples of sash configurations
and the multitude of available options.
New-Tech Bench Hood.pdf
(160 KB) - Two Page cut sheet for selection form for bench top fume hoods, accessories and features.
New-Tech Walk-In Fume Hood Selection Form.pdf
(94 KB) - Cut sheet for selection form for walk-in fume hoods, accessories and features.
11611-Custom Fume Hoods.doc (68
KB) -
Our Custom Custom Laboratory Ventilated Enclosures And Fume Hoods "CSI" formatted
specification in Microsoft Word® , including component and installation information.
11611-Custom Fume Hoods.pdf (42
KB) -
Our Custom Custom Laboratory Ventilated Enclosures And Fume Hoods "CSI" formatted
specification in Adobe, including component and installation information.
New-Tech™ Custom Designs |
New Spot Exhauster.pdf
(64 KB) - Slot Exhauster: descriptions of use, photos,
product details with dimensions, and model number selection.
New-Tech™ Trade Show Information |
Custom Products Slide Show for Labs 21 - 2010.pps
(151,024 KB) - Some of our Custom Products rolled into a Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation. This presentation was used
at the 2010 Labs 21 conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
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