How to determine if heavier than air:
The density of a gas is roughly proportional to its
molecular weight. Air has an average molecular weight
of about 29 gl/mol, so any gas with a molecular
weight greater than 29 gl/mol will be denser than air.
The way to calculate the molecular weight of any
formula is to add the atomic weight of all the atoms
in the formula.
For example: Hydrogen Chloride, HCI. A hydrogen
atom has a mass of 1.008 AMU and a chlorine atom
has a mass of 35,453 AMU. The molecular weight of
HCI is 36.461 gl/mol, the sum of the atomic weight of
hydrogen and chlorine.
Standard Features:
Epoxy painted steel frame, legs and chamber. (Standard light gray,
other colors available.)
Perforated top: 1/4" diameter holes 3/8" staggered centers.
(Standard 14 gauge SS 304)
Sloped bottom to 1/2" drain valve
Balance dampers
Duct: painted 22 gauge galvanized steel.
Capture velocity: 40 to 150 fpm. (Typically 50 fpm for heavier than air gases)
(Typically 100 fpm for particulate)
Pressure drop: less than 0.5 in. w. g.
Legs have heavy duty leveling pads and vinyl boot.
Actuated exhaust damper or "on-off" switch.
Alternate working height
Frame, legs and / or chamber: SS 304 or SS 316
Perforated top: 14 gauge epoxy painted steel, SS 316, 1/8" PVC, CPVC or Polypropylene
Combination of solid and perforated top
6" wide rectangular duct for routing behind cabinets.
Three-sided containment barrier (Removable)
40% high capacity pleat filters (below perforated top)